
My goal is to create and test scalable infrastructure to track outreach data from EA Uni Groups. The pilot program will use Airtable, and forms for groups to fill out. Participating groups will fill out three separate forms, add a “How did you hear about EA UNI NAME” question to their Fellowship application, and regularly track fellowship attendance for every Fellow. Each form will automatically load data into our base.

Intro Form will track - to be sent 8/30

Post Outreach Form will track - to be sent immediately after Fellowship Application deadline

Post-Fellowship Engagement Form:

This form will consist of a list of all Fellows who filled out the “How you heard about us” question. Each organizer will be prompted to label each fellow as one of the following:

The form will also include some formal definition for each category. What should this be?

Stats to track:

This project will track the following:

Attrition Rate

Engagement Rate

Applicants per hour

Engaged Members per hour